River Park Youth Baseball offers the opportunity for players ages 4-12 to play in one of four divisions:
Playing age is determined by the player’s age on May 1, 2025. For example, if your player was born on May 8, 2012, they are a “baseball age 12” and would register for the Major Division. Find the official age matrix here.
Please note: Special requests regarding your player’s placement in a division must be made in writing in advance to RiverParkYouthBaseball@gmail.com. We will notify you if that request has been approved or denied.
When registering, you will want to have a recent (within two [2] months) utility bill handy showing your player’s proof of residency, as this will need to be uploaded when registering your player. You will also need a copy of their birth certificate to upload for our records but some players might have this pre-loaded from last year. See the boundary map here.
Your cost INCLUDES a uniform (jersey and hat).
Tee Ball: $200/player ($250 after Jan 1st)
Rookies, Minors and Majors: $275/player ($325 after Jan 1st)
***We will also be offering a $25 sibling discount for families that are registering multiple children. This amount will be refunded via check after you have completed registration. Please reach out to Justin Bosley at jwbosley@gmail.com to discuss this option***
January 11th & 12th
Ciavarella Field
*Players in competitive divisions are required to attend an evaluation. Those not able to participate in an evaluation will become a blind hat pick*
Subject To Change
Draft Dates
January 14th through 16th
Teams Formed and Practices Begin
February, 2025
Opening Day and Parade
Saturday, March 1st
Picture Day
Championship Weekend/Last Season Games
Saturday, May 31st and June 1st