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RPYB Volunteer Requirements & Opportunities!

By RPYB Board, 02/03/25, 3:00PM PST


Hello RPYB Families!

I wanted to take a chance to introduce myself as River Park’s Volunteer Coordinator. I’ll be your primary point of contact should you have any questions or concerns regarding volunteer expectations and requirements. I have two kids in the league, one in Rookies and one in Minors, and Ciavarella feels like a second home from March-June!

Because we have a few new policies this year, I wanted to lay out expectations clearly so that there are no surprises over this season and everyone can find a way to support the league that works for you and your family. As a volunteer run league, we rely on our wonderful families to help keep the league going over the season, and for that we thank you! 

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Every family is required to volunteer for a total of 6 credits over the season OR you can buy out your volunteer hour commitment for $200 per family. 

  • Each family is also required to help with shifts in our snack shack and BBQ over the season. The snack shack is separate from your league volunteer hours. You will hear more about your snack shack shifts from your team parent once the season kicks off. 

  • This year, we are collecting $200 checks from each family at the beginning of the season. Many of you brought your check to evaluation day. For those of you who did not, you must turn your check when your child picks up his/her jersey. Once you fulfill your volunteer hours, your check will be destroyed. If, by the end of the season you do not fulfill your volunteer hours, your check will be cashed. 

  • If you need an alternative payment method, please reach out and we can help you coordinate a solution. 

Volunteer Opportunities

  • We heard from many families that they felt there were not ample volunteer opportunities to fulfill their hours previously, and I want to reassure you that there will be plenty of chances over the next 4 months. 

  • One great opportunity to fulfill some or all of your hours before the season starts is to help the league prepare for the upcoming season by helping get the facilities ready. We will be holding Field and Facility Workdays on February 8th and 23rd, and there are still a few volunteer slots left. Please see the sign-up sheet HERE.

Upcoming opportunities will include the following, and I will share the sign-ups closer to the dates: 

Opening Day Set Up & Clean Up, March 1st 

Bathroom Custodian (help clean up and maintain bathrooms)

Hit-A-Thon, May 3rd

- Movie on the Mound, May 17th 

- Tournament Fundraisers, June, TBD 

Additionally, if your family serves as a team manager, head coach, or team parent, you will fulfill all of your volunteer hours (this is two coaches per team plus a team parent)

- Lastly, consider becoming a sponsor of RPYB! For a “Double” Sponsorship, you will receive 3 volunteer credits, and any level above that will fulfill all your credits! A big thank you to all of our sponsors who have signed up already! If you're interested in becoming a sponsor, please reply to this email to learn more! 

Again, thank you for your support of our wonderful league, and please reach out with any questions.

Donna Cullinan
RPYB Volunteer Coordinator